1.The delivery time of all products is about 7 days, If it is a customized product, it takes longer
2.The shipping time will take11-25 days.
3. All products need to be installed by yourself!
Color classification :
1.upgrade L type (increase steel spring Tiger)
2.upgraded L type (color ball added)
3.l-shaped cat grasping board + tumbler mouse
4.mao tiao tai
5.new beige swordsmanship s board
6.yellow Cat tent
7.upgrade L type (add spring mouse)
8.sisal L board (increase rabbit hair ball)
9.sisal L grasping board
10.coffee L board (with rabbit hair ball)
11.new coffee Sisal S board
12.sisal tree cat scratch column
13.Super cat climbing frame
Specs Name Description:
Color classifi : color classification
color classifi: No 1
no 2
no 3
no 4
no 5
no 6
no 7
no 8
no 9
no 10
no 11
no 12