Byto Stainless Steel Pet Bathtub Large Dog Bath Thickened Pet Store Bath Basin

Regular price $372.52 Sale

Product Details

applicable object : Universal
dimension : Xs
1】Thickened Economic Model 80 x 60 x 90, Depth 35cm
2】Thickened Economic Model 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 40cm
4】Pinkish Gray
5】Thickened Economic Model 120 x 70 x 90 x Depth 50cm
6】Thickened Economic Section 135 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
7】Thickened with Door Style 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 40cm
8】Thickened with Door Style 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
9】Thickened with Door 135 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
10】Thickened Conventional High Configuration 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 40cm
11】Thickened Conventional High Configuration 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
12】Thickened Conventional High Configuration 135 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
13】Thickened with Door Height of 120 x 70 x 90 And Depth of 40cm
14】Thickened with Door Height Configuration 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
15】Thickened with Door Height 135 x 70 x 90, Depth 50cm
16】Three Side High Coaming Without Door 120 x 70 x 90 Depth 40
17】Three Side High Coaming Without Door 120 x 70 x 90 Depth 50
18】Three Side High Coaming Without Door 135 x 70 x 90 Depth 50
19】Three Side High Coaming with Door Style 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 40
20】Three Side High Coaming with Door Style 120 x 70 x 90, Depth 50
21】Three Side High Coaming with Door Type 135 x 70 x 90, Depth 50
22】the Pet Shop Makes the Bath Pool According to the Customer's Size
23】304 Three Side Coaming with Door 120 x 70 x 90 Depth 40
24】304 Three Side Coaming with Door 120 x 70 x 90 Depth 50
25】304 Three Side Coaming with Door 135 x 70 x 90 Depth 50
26】304 Three Side Coaming Without Door 120 x 70 x 90 Depth 50
Country of Origin: Uk
Pack Type: Bundle
Volume: 750ml
Shelf Life: 6 Months
Grooming Features: Shed Control
Weight: 750g
Formulation: Wipescolor: A-l80xw60xh90cm Depth35cm
a-l100xw60xh90cm Depth40cm
a-l120xw70xh90cm Depth40cm
a-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm+door
a Set
a Set+door
a-l120xw70xh90cm Depth50cm
a-l120xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
a-l135xw70xh90cm Depth50cm
a-l135xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
b-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm
b-l120xw70xh90cm D50cm
b-l135xw70xh90cm Depth50cm
b-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm+door
b-l120xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
b-l135xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
c-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm
c-l120xw70xh90cm D50cm
c-l135xw70xh90cm Depth50cm
c-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm+door
c-l120xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
c-l135xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
customized Pad
304-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm+door
304-l120xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
304-l135xw70xh90cm D50cm+door
304-l120xw70xh90cm D40cm

Product Reviews

Byto Stainless Steel Pet Bathtub Large Dog Bath Thickened Pet Store Bath Basin
